Thursday, February 7, 2008

Czech KFOR to support Kosovoschools!

Already by the end of next week, supply trucks of the Czech contingent of KFOR (Kosovo Force) are to bring more than 250 kilos of English books and dictionaries to its base at Sajkovac. The books were donated by Gymnazium Nad Aleji in Prague. Once the load reaches the Sajkovac base, it will be further transferred to the Karaçe elementary school and the Eqrem Cabej Grammar School of Vushtrri/Vučitrn town. Kosovoschools greatly appreaciates this very generous support of the Czech army and would like to express its most sincere thanks. Without this help, it would be extremely difficult and costly to transport the donated books from the Czech Republic to Kosovo. Two other national contingents of KFOR have already expressed their willingness to support Kosovoschools.

1 comment:

Saad Amir said...

You have took forward a great step for the education of the students.
regards, saad from
Shivaji University Kolhapur